We’re here to help make it happen

The key is finding a home that has the space you need, the privacy you want, and the peace of mind you deserve.

Love Where
You Live

Your rental payment will always get you more than just a place to live.

Resources at the Ready

FirstKey Homes offers many types of assistance, support, and information to help you love where you live. Online or on the phone, we’re here to help!

Person sitting at table typing on laptop

Online Resident Portals

Manage your account online: submit maintenance requests, make payments, and more.

Go to the portal
Person's hands using cell phone standing outside

Mobile App

Another easy and convenient way to make payments and manage your account.

Download the app
Man on cell phne sitting at kithen table with two children using laptop

24-hour Call Center

Call anytime to report an emergency or urgent concern. 844.395.3959

Call us
online help center

Online Help Center

Questions about living with FirstKey Homes? Find answers online.

Help Center
Two women sitting in bed looking at laptop

Resident Newsletter

A quarterly collection of announcements, tips, and info delivered right to your inbox.

Man with prosthetic leg sitting on couch using laptop


Stay informed and up-to-date with content just for residents.

Resources at the Ready

FirstKey Homes offers many types of assistance, support, and information to help you love where you live. Online or on the phone, we’re here to help!

Person sitting at table typing on laptop

Online Resident Portals

Manage your account online: submit maintenance requests, make payments, and more.

Go to the portal
Person's hands using cell phone standing outside

Mobile App

Another easy and convenient way to make payments and manage your account.

Download the app
Man on cell phne sitting at kithen table with two children using laptop

24-hour Call Center

Call anytime to report an emergency or urgent concern. 844.395.3959

Mobile click to call
Person sitting at table typing on laptop

Online Help Center

Questions about living with FirstKey Homes? Find answers online.

Help Center
Two women sitting in bed looking at laptop

Resident Newsletter

A quarterly collection of announcements, tips, and info delivered right to your inbox.


Stay informed and up-to-date with content just for residents.

*Note: FirstKey Homes requires residents to carry rental insurance.

Do I have to Set Up Utilities?

Your utility accounts will be set up automatically by FirstKey Homes and managed by YES Utilities.

  • Statements will be provided by email and will also be visible on the Resident Portal.
  • Statement and payment dates may vary by market; contact YES Energy Management at 833.363.7963 for details.
  • There is a monthly convenience fee of $7.00, and these fees go directly to YES Energy Management, Inc.; no part of the fee goes to FirstKey Homes, LLC.
  • Depending on when you signed your lease, your utility requirements may differ. Please refer to section 10 of your lease or reach out to your Property Manager if you are unsure.
we’ll help you

Take the first step

Today could be the day that your FirstKey Homes journey begins